16 Reasons You Should Elope!


When I think about top reasons to elope, there are so many of them coming in my mind! Let’s strart from the main one that make correction to most of couples last years, and it’s covid. Weddings are already so stressful to plan, but with all those rescheduling, cancellations and postponing during pandemic, you’ll think “Why not just elope?”

Many of the couples are saying that the day focused on them two is the most valued to them. They don’t like all the chaos around wedding planning, keeping all traditions and following the rules when it should be much more fun and less stress. So, don’t think further, just imagine your dream day how you want and let’s make it real!

Here are some of my top reasons why you should elope!

1. You Want Something Meaningful and Intimate

Let’s be honest, it’s almost impossible to interact with every single guest on a big wedding, so you can’t be fully present there. By limiting yourself for 5-6 hours of reception, you won’t be able to dance, talk and spend some time with everyone.

It’s totally fine if you’ll decide to have a big wedding, and we’ve been there, but as many couples can’t imagine how different elopement is, we’ve created this post for you!

You deserve the best wedding day in your life, so by looking back you can remind every single detail and every second of your day! That’s why something intimate will give you a chance to enjoy yourself, and spend a day the way you want – not by following the run sheet.

2. Full Day Of Adventure

Think about the most memorable moments in your life… Was it in styled ballroom when hundreds of people watching at you? Or during a toasts that long for 20 minutes? Probably not! Instead if you’re eloping in the top of the mountains saying your vows that noone will hear, will most likely make your day way more unforgettable!

The reality now is covid still here, and you can’t rely on anyone by planning the big day for a year ahead, as it’s can happen just then. Also, do you want to face those strict restrictions, where no dance floor allowed, or all the guests have to wear the face mask? You can avoid all those stress, and just elope instead!!!

That’s one of the main reasons why couples decide to elope instead of having a big wedding. There are still so many formalities in big traditional weddings that don’t allow you to be true yourself. It’s more honest way to be true yourself if you do exactly as you want, and following your own rules, rather than have detailed timing for the day with all formalities. Elopements is about just you, noone else, and you can be as crazy yourself as you are in real life! Eloping is about your personalities as a couple, you can do whatever you want – go for hike up in the mountains, have a secret picnic in hidden beach, take a road trip, jump with parachutes or escape to other country and enjoy yourselves. It’s all about you two, and just you’ll decide how it’s going to be!

5. Fun Outfit Options!

I love when couples go creative and skip all those formalities with outfits or accessories. It’s your time to shine!! There are so many things you can wear, for example, patterned dresses, wool jackets, leather boots, hats or anything else that will show your personality!

I know so many couples enjoying the wedding planning, but it’s not for everyone. If you don’t even want to think about it – then eloping is definitely for you!!! I can’t say that there no planning at all, as you still need to find a celebrant, photographer, and think about the location, but other than that you don’t need much to do in terms of planning – just wear your favourite outfit, bring the bottle of bubbles, rings and vows, and it’s all sorted!!!

7. Budget Savings

The average cost of a wedding in the Australia is$ 55,000. Yes, and that’s just average!!! You can start thinking from this moment if you are ready for that expenses right now. The average elopement cost is often close to $7,000, and can be done even for less! Spending more money won’t guarantee that you’ll have better day, but can definitely add more stress.

8. You Want Something Different

You might be tired from your daily routine, and you want to remember day when you married by doing something different! There are way more things to do that exceeds the traditional ceremonies.

Just imagine to have your intimate first dance on the top of mountain while enjoying sunset. There are no limits in your imaginations, but remember that all elopements are different, so there are no right or wrong way of planning it!

9. Skip The Family Drama

The wedding planning can be so difficult when your family members are involved. No wonder if your mum want to have her best friend invited, while you don’t. If you want to skip this and have it the way you want – elopement is definitely for you!

10. It’s Just So Simple

The whole process of planning an elopement is SOOOO Simple… Yes, for sure few things that you’ll need to organise, but that’s it. Most of the couples at the end can’t believe how easy was that, and how great their experience turned out!

11. Amazing Locations

You don’t have to limit yourself with just a beach or forest. Go a bit further, go crazy and don’t make any limitation in your imagination! Wanna travel to some island, hike the mountains, or have a helicopter ride??? Just do it, you’re going to have a freaking amazing day!!!!!

Most of the couples decide to elope, as they want to strip away the pressure, anxiety and obligation they felt about having a big traditional wedding. Instead they wanted a day which aligned with their values and vision! They wanted an experience with just them two. An elopement create that intimate and magical atmosphere, so couples can make their most romantic dreams come true!

13. It’s Environmentally Friendly

To have a big wedding is so wasteful – from the paper invitations, flowers that are thrown away, plastic party favors that are abandoned, and much more. A basic wedding of around 100 guests usually turns into 100-200 kg of waste. Still wanna do it, or better go green? Think how you’ll elope – and it’s surprisingly how eco friendly you’ll be by saying “I do” outside among the nature!

14. Forget about traditions

On the wedding day there are so many traditions that don’t actually have a story. Let’s think, everyone doing cake cutting, but does it really mean something to you, or you just doing because everyone doing that? You can skip all those formal traditions think and create your own while eloping!

15. “NO RULES” on your day

And this is one of the best parts, honestly. I mean, you can do whatever you want, imagine your day as crazy as you want, and don’t think that someone won’t like it! It’s all about you, so it’s just the right time to break all rules and formalities, and open real “YOU”!

16. Amazing photos

No doubts, most of the couples will care about their photos, and that it’s perfectly reflecting their dream day! Not only an experience is important, but at the end of the days you’d love to look back at your photographs and relive your day again and again.

Most of couples who want’s to elope, found it’s hard to find a great photographer who’ll capture a real emotions, as most of wedding photos they’ve seen are too fake or too posed. As a photographer, I see it it a bit different, and my goal to document you having the best time in your life by being your truest yourself! I know it’s sounds like a dream, but I’ll tell your true love story, and your photo story crafted by me will be cherished for the rest of your lives, and more!

If you think an elopement is the experience you’d love to have and affirm your vision – I’d love to help!

You know already that to find a right photographer to document your elopement adventure is so important, so it’s time to start planning.

I have helped hundreds of couples plan true-to-them authentic elopement experiences all over Australia, and Europe, and can help you to plan your elopement in Melbourne, Tasmania, anywhere in Australia, Bali, Europe, or anywhere else in the world!

Tell me where would you want to elope? I’d love to be a part of your love story!



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